Friday, January 18, 2013

24 weeks old

Sorry I missed 23 weeks so here is me catching up....
23 weeks we had Parker's tongue clipped he was tongue tied, it wasn't any fun for mommy or Parker but we survived and he could stick his tongue out as soon as they finished the procedure! So week 23 he enjoyed exploring his tongue!

24 weeks old today! He has learned how to actually jump in his jumper/bouncer play toy and he has been going to town! He also took on one of his daddies traits that my sisters aren't too fond of haha he started smacking his lips! He has been very very gassy acting again the past two weeks and just very uncomfortable with his stomach so we had to go back to the doctors he had another ear infection and they gave him a different medicine for reflux because his is pretty bad! Pray it helps for everyone's sanity it's been tough at nap time and bedtime. But we are so in love with our little ham! He smiles all the time it can't get much better than that!

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