Thursday, January 10, 2013

Parents choice brand diapers...

So we normally use Pampers brand for diapers, sometimes Huggies which are both awesome for diapers we just use pampers because its a family favorite.  For our shower we got all different types of diapers Luvs are okay not as good as pampers or Huggies but def. a better choice if you are looking for a cheaper brand of diapers just a little bit rougher as far as material goes.  I just opened my first pack of Parents choice diapers (the Walmart store brand), and I would most certainly NOT recommend these diapers!  My son usually sleeps through the night with one diaper, the night before last I put a Parent's choice diaper on him and he woke up early early morning and was completely wet through his clothes, sheets and all.  Then I changed his diaper and within an hour of putting the new diaper on he pooped and it went completely through the diaper and his new pj outfit....

I am all about using non named brand items as long as they are efficient, but as far as parent's choice diapers go I give them 2 thumbs down....

1 comment:

  1. Cannot agree more about the Parent's Choice! I stuck it out through a whole box because I didn't want to waste money, but I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. But, the Target brand diapers are great! I didn't like them in the smaller sizes (tended to leak), but now that she's in size 3, they work great! They will be soaking sometimes in the morning, but have never leaked through. BTW, package headed y'all's way... finally!! :)
