Friday, March 1, 2013

30 weeks old!

29 and 30 weeks :)

Parker's started holding his bottle, starting to try to crawl we are still a long ways from it he's a lot better at sitting up then trying to crawl but he does put one knee up now and get up on all fours, just not for long. He rode in a buggy for the first time like a big boy today! And he said "hey" to kale this week. This week he has finally been starting to say "ma", or mum or very rarely "mama" but I think we are starting to make some new sounds... He got to watch his first Daytona 500 this past sunday and enjoyed it :). We also went to lumberton for his cousin Engliss' baby shower and got to see great grandma and lots of other family! He is also starting to get very aware of mommy and daddy leaving and it breaks Mommy's heart <3 other than that he's doing awesome!

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