Friday, February 15, 2013

28 weeks old

Weeks 27 and 28 since I missed one again it's been a crazy two weeks!

Week 27 we stayed at our friends house for the week and kept their 2 kids for them so Adam, Parker and I packed up and moved in to apex for about 5 days we had an awesome time and I learned what it would be like to have 3 kids! Parker ha fun going on trips to the park with Alyssa and Sean! He got to play in a walker at their house which he really enjoyed!

Week 28- Parker had fun flirting with all the nurses at unc hospital this week poor mema was in the hospital again but we enjoyed getting to spend lots of time with her this week :) we had a play date w buddy kale today and our Friday Lunch date w daddy outside at cook out because the weather has been amazing today! He has two teeth very close to cutting through so he's been a little fussy with those. He's been taking steps with daddy while he holds onto his hands of course! We celebrated our first valentines day w Parker last night at Logan's and then got Ice cream at cold stone having two valentines is even better ;). Hes still working on crawling but he just hates being on his stomach so we aren't getting anywhere... We are starting to eliminate his middle of the night bottle and its going pretty well I must say. Other than that just getting huge weighing in at 20 lbs on the dot yesterday!! Here are some photos to enjoy:

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