Monday, February 11, 2013

Back to Breastfeeding update

Last time I posted I was in the process of trying to breastfeed again.  After 48 hours of waking up every 2 hours and taking 4 fenugreek three times a day I did in fact start producing milk again after 4/12-5 months of being dried up, so anyone else trying it is DEF. possible to do.  I was unable to get him to latch because he was so used to bottle feeding so I decided pumping every two hours and feeding him every four wasn't very practical for my life style and after letting it tie me down for two weeks I decided to switch and pump only twice a day;  once in the morning, and once before going to bed and realized I was making the same amount that way as I was pumping 5 or 6 times a day so that's what I have been doing.  Pumping twice a day and Parker gets a 7 oz. bottle a day of breastmilk now.  It is def. a rewarding feeling to know that after all that he is getting something.  And like they say, every little bit you can give them is healthy for you, and healthy for them!  So that's my story for now.

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