Sunday, December 30, 2012

TO ALL MOMS: This would have been nice to know so I didn't freak out.....

So since Parker has been sick this past week they put him on an antibiotic called Omnicef (aka Cefdinir).  I gave him his first dose of it Friday morning, Friday evening I went to change his diaper and this is what I found..... (Excuse the gross photograph but I went online and had to look it up because reading the description of side effects wasn't enough for me to be reassured)

It was even a little brighter red in person.  I called the doctor on call a little freaked out because I was thinking he just had a bloody diaper and had no clue if he was allergic to the meds or what was going on.  So after talking to the doctor they said red or rustic bloody looking poop is totally normal on this medication it was a normal side effect with children and it would probably stay this way the entire time he is on this antibiotic.  Whew, I was relieved but it would have been nice to have known this BEFORE seeing this and flipping out, haha.  Just thought I'd show all the other moms just incase they have this happen to their little ones so I can possibly save someone the flip-out we went through!

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