Sunday, January 6, 2013

5 Months Old!!

Parker is 22 weeks old as of Friday! And a big FIVE MONTHS OLD!  I can hardly believe it... I'm a little behind because it's been a pretty crazy week and a half with both of my boys sick for over a week, one with a stomach virus and they other with a bad cold, and that made for one exhausted mommy!  But everyone is doing great now.... here are a few photographs from last week:
Jan. 3rd... 5 Months Old!

Long live the days of laying down in his car seat....he knows how to sit up now so lunches have a whole new meaning lol.....
This is Parker's new best buddy Chris! 

This was Parker celebrating his first New Years, he must have known what night it was because he tried his hardest to stay awake I seriously think he feel asleep at 11:59....poor guy he tried hard to make it to watch the ball drop!

We learned this week that Parker probably has a bad milk allergy soooo I am now trying to start breast feeding again, we started back pumping last week after 4 1/2 months of not doing anything but interesting journey this shall be....and an exhausting one it has already started to become.

Me and my sick little man!

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