Friday, January 25, 2013

25 Weeks

25 weeks today, and Parker's first taste of snow!  A lot more sleet then snow I think but we got to spend a few minutes in the snow this morning.

It's been a pretty good week the change to Prilosec for his acid reflux has significantly helped!  But we have still been a little off on our sleeping schedule it's taken us all week to get him back up to his 8:30 bedtime while his stomach was killing him he was not going down until 11 p.m!  But now that he's going to bed at 8:30 again he's waking up a lot more we are waking up 2-3 times a night again I feel like we are def. regressing with the sleep schedule.  Not fun!  So I am currently taking note of his naps during the day and sleep schedule at night to try to get him back to our previous sleep schedule of no waking up during the night and still going to bed at 8:30!  Wish me luck!  We definitely got into some bad habits while being sick and uncomfortable.

On a good note he's getting more active everyday!  He doesn't like being on his stomach still so might be a little while on the whole crawling situation but he started to stand by himself (holding onto the couch) this week.  His legs are really strong.  He's also catching up (size and weight) with his 1 1/2 year old cousin ken!  He enjoyed hanging out with her yesterday.  His new favorite noise to make is a squeal he has a happy squeal a mad squeal it's hilarious that's how he woke up this morning squealing.  Here are some iphone photos from our week.

He's learned how to maneuver his way off of his seat when he wants lol...

We enjoyed going out in his first snow this morning (1-25-13)

Parker, Aunt Brooke, and cousin Ken

His best buddy Kale (they are 6 days apart)  they love to interact with each other Parker just started grabbing Kale this week!

He's still sitting up like such a big boy!  He's been cheering the Cane's on this week

It doesn't get much better than this!!

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