Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Getting back to breast milk... or at least trying

So since Parker has been having a lot of trouble on formula and we have had a crazy run around trying to find the most specific types of formula, the current one he is on they don't even sell on store shelves (Enfamil Nutramigen AA), and is $40 for a 14 oz. can of powder might I add!!  We are having to feed him the old stuff right now until the order comes in to Kroger Pharmacy tomorrow and it has been a rough few nights back on the old stuff kicking like crazy, his 8:30 bedtime turned into 11 p.m. the last few nights because his stomach is in knots.  SO....I have recently been trying to start pumping again, yes after FOUR MONTHS of not producing any milk.  My husband thought I was a little crazy, the doctors agreed that breast milk, any little bit I could get, would help Parker's allergies to milk that he has been showing signs of.  So I started pumping after his last doctors visit last Wednesday.  I have talked to many lactation consultants that have said I may not be able to produce anything at this point but they told me to pump every 2 hrs around the clock and take four Fenugreek 3 x's a day.  So for 48 hrs straight I even woke up EVERY 2 hours to pump 15 minutes at a time, it felt like having a newborn again and I got NOTHING for 24 hours.... but the next day I started getting a few drops every time and those few drops have turned into about an ounce every time I pump.  It's still a little discouraging, but..... Parker drank his first FULL bottle of breast milk tonight (7 oz.) so I was a little excited, it is def. possible to produce milk again after 4 months of being dried up, haha!  Not sure if I will be able to build up my supply enough to make it worth it but I am def. trying....

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