A bar of soap (type doesn't matter). I used yardly oatmeal and almond smells really good!
Glycerin 1 and 1/2 tablespoons ( I was unfamilar with this item to it is a skin protectant and softener I found it at walmart near the vitamins)
15 cups of water
Grate the whole bar of soap, then put the soap bar flakes, the water and the glycerin in a large pot and heat on low- medium heat stir it up and let it heat until all the flakes dissolve. Takes ab 5 mins once they dissolve let it keep on heat for 1 more minute then remove from heat.
Let it cool for a while I let mine sit a few hours and when we got back home it was congealed then i used a mixer and mixed it up until it became liquidly again. Then I took a funnel and poured It into an old soap container be careful pouring I wasted probably 1/3 of the mix while pouring because it kept spilling out but I still made a whole container and a third of another one with this mix.
Here is my finished product (after spilling a ton of the soap!)
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